Online Courses Available

Hotline: 01674842132

Special Private Course Available

Dhanmondi, Uttara, Gulshan, Mirpur, Banasree, Aftabnagar,  Narayanganj, Narsingdi

“Experience the artistry of Chinese Kung Fu at the renowned ‘Chinese Kung Fu & Wushu School’ in Bangladesh. Our traditional school embraces the rich heritage of martial arts, offering expert training in ancient techniques, fostering discipline, and promoting physical and mental well-being. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and mastery.”
Kung Fu Master Abdullah Al Monsur

Sifu Abdullah Al Monsur

(Traditional Kung Fu Master)

Executive Member, Bangladesh Wushu Federation
General Secretary, Narshingdi District Wushu Association
South Asian Wushu Judge, South Asian Wushu Federation
Sports Secretary, Bangladesh Kung Fu Association
Founder & Chief Instructor, Chinese Wushu & Kung Fu School

Wing Chun Dhaka
Kung Fu, Martial Arts, Self-defense, Wushu, Combat, Wing Chun

Online Kung Fu Live Class !!

Join our online Kung Fu lessons from Bangladesh and discover the art of self-discipline, fitness, and self-defense.

Unlock the world of Chinese Martial Arts with our online Kung Fu lessons. Designed for all skill levels, our expert instructors guide you through traditional techniques, forms, and self-defense skills. Improve your fitness, flexibility, and focus—all from the comfort of your home. Join us and start your Kung Fu journey today!

Welcome to the Chinese Kung Fu & Wushu School in Dhaka, Bangladesh!
Branches: Dhanmondi, Gulshan, Baridhara, Uttara, Ramna Park, Aftabnagar, Banasree, Demra, Narshingdi
We are delighted to extend our warmest greetings to all martial arts enthusiasts and aspiring practitioners seeking an authentic and transformative experience in the world of Chinese Kung Fu and Wushu. As the leading martial arts school in Bangladesh, we take immense pride in introducing you to the best Chinese martial arts training available in the country.
At our school, we embrace the rich heritage of Chinese martial arts, providing a nurturing and disciplined environment where students of all ages and skill levels can explore the profound traditions of Kung Fu and Wushu. Our team of highly skilled and experienced instructors is dedicated to fostering the growth and development of each student, ensuring that they not only master the physical techniques but also embrace the core principles of respect, discipline, and mental fortitude.
With a comprehensive curriculum that encompasses both traditional and contemporary forms, we offer a well-rounded training experience that caters to various interests and goals. Whether you aim to enhance your physical fitness, cultivate self-defense skills, or immerse yourself in the profound philosophies of Chinese martial arts, our school is the ideal place for you.
Beyond the physical aspects, our school serves as a hub for cultural exchange, promoting an understanding of Chinese traditions and values. Through engaging workshops, seminars, and demonstrations, students gain a deeper appreciation for the essence of Kung Fu and Wushu.
We invite you to join our vibrant community, where passion and dedication converge to create a harmonious journey of self-discovery and personal growth. No matter your age or background, at the Chinese Kung Fu & Wushu School, you will find a supportive and encouraging atmosphere that empowers you to unleash your full potential.
Thank you for choosing our school as your gateway to the fascinating world of Chinese martial arts. We look forward to embarking on this extraordinary quest together. Let the journey begin!
Best Martial Arts, Kung Fu, Wushu, Wing Chun, Muay Thai & Self-Defense Training Center in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Kung Fu is a Chinese martial art that has its roots in ancient China and has evolved over thousands of years. It is not only a form of physical exercise, but also a philosophical and spiritual practice. Kung Fu encompasses a wide range of techniques and styles, including strikes, kicks, grappling, and weapons training. It is renowned for its fluid movements and powerful strikes, and is considered a cultural treasure in China. In recent times, Kung Fu has become popular around the world as a means of improving physical fitness, self-defense and personal development.
Discover the art of self-defense through an Online Course at the Chinese Kung Fu & Wushu School in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Dive into traditional Chinese martial arts, mastering Kung Fu and Wushu techniques remotely. Elevate your skills under expert guidance, ensuring a holistic learning experience from the prestigious school, anytime, anywhere.

Why should you learn Chinese Martial Arts “Kung Fu” ?

Learning Chinese Martial Arts, commonly known as Kung Fu, offers a myriad of benefits beyond self-defense. Firstly, it’s a holistic practice that enhances physical fitness, agility, and coordination. Through rigorous training, practitioners develop strength, flexibility, and endurance, fostering a balanced body-mind connection.
Secondly, Kung Fu cultivates discipline and perseverance. The intricate movements and forms demand patience and dedication, instilling a strong work ethic that transcends into other aspects of life.
Moreover, Kung Fu embodies rich cultural heritage and philosophy. It teaches respect, humility, and harmony with oneself and others, fostering a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and values.
Furthermore, practicing Kung Fu fosters mental clarity and emotional resilience, enabling practitioners to manage stress and challenges effectively.
Ultimately, learning Kung Fu is not just about mastering fighting techniques; it’s a transformative journey towards self-improvement, enlightenment, and personal growth, making it a rewarding endeavor for anyone seeking physical, mental, and spiritual development.

ঢাকায় অবস্থিত “চাইনিজ কুংফু ও উশু স্কুল” বাংলাদেশে সেরা আত্মরক্ষার শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠান হিসেবে স্বীকৃত, যা দীর্ঘদিন ধরে চীনা মার্শাল আর্টের অনুশীলন ও প্রচারে অগ্রণী ভূমিকা পালন করে আসছে। এই প্রতিষ্ঠানটি চীনা কুংফু এবং উশুর মৌলিক ও উন্নত প্রশিক্ষণ প্রদানের মাধ্যমে দেশব্যাপী জনপ্রিয়তা অর্জন করেছে।

স্কুলের বৈশিষ্ট্য:

  1. প্রতিষ্ঠাতা ও প্রধান প্রশিক্ষক:
    “চাইনিজ কুংফু ও উশু স্কুল” প্রতিষ্ঠা করেন সিফু আবদুল্লাহ আল মনসুর, যিনি নিজেই একজন অভিজ্ঞ মার্শাল আর্ট প্রশিক্ষক এবং বিচারক। তিনি কুংফু, উশু এবং অন্যান্য চীনা মার্শাল আর্টের বিভিন্ন শৈলীতে পারদর্শী এবং অনেক শিক্ষার্থীকে প্রশিক্ষিত করে সফলভাবে জাতীয় ও আন্তর্জাতিক পর্যায়ে উপস্থাপন করেছেন।
  2. প্রশিক্ষণের ধরন:
    স্কুলটি কুংফু ও উশুর বিভিন্ন শাখায় দক্ষ প্রশিক্ষণ প্রদান করে, যার মধ্যে সানশু (Sanda), তাউলু (Taolu), উইং চুন, এবং অন্যান্য চীনা মার্শাল আর্টের শৈলী অন্তর্ভুক্ত। এই প্রতিষ্ঠানটি কেবল প্রতিযোগিতার জন্য নয়, আত্মরক্ষা, শারীরিক ফিটনেস এবং মানসিক শৃঙ্খলার জন্য প্রশিক্ষণ প্রদান করে।
  3. আত্মরক্ষা প্রশিক্ষণ:
    এখানে আত্মরক্ষার বিশেষ ক্লাস পরিচালিত হয়, যেখানে দ্রুত প্রতিক্রিয়া এবং আক্রমণ প্রতিহত করার কৌশল শেখানো হয়। নারীদের জন্য বিশেষ আত্মরক্ষা কোর্স রয়েছে, যেখানে বাস্তব জীবনের বিভিন্ন পরিস্থিতিতে আত্মরক্ষা করার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় কৌশল শেখানো হয়।
  4. প্রতিযোগিতা ও অংশগ্রহণ:
    “চাইনিজ কুংফু ও উশু স্কুল” নিয়মিত জাতীয় ও আন্তর্জাতিক প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশগ্রহণ করে এবং অসংখ্য পুরস্কার অর্জন করেছে। শিক্ষার্থীরা স্থানীয় এবং আন্তর্জাতিক মঞ্চে নিজেদের দক্ষতা প্রমাণ করে চলেছে। এই প্রতিষ্ঠানটি ক্রীড়াক্ষেত্রে বাংলাদেশের প্রতিনিধিত্ব করে উশু এবং কুংফু খেলার প্রসার ঘটাচ্ছে।
  5. পরিষেবা ও সুযোগ-সুবিধা:
    স্কুলটি প্রশিক্ষণের জন্য আধুনিক সরঞ্জাম এবং প্রশিক্ষণের উপযোগী পরিবেশ প্রদান করে। এখানে নিয়মিত ওয়ার্কশপ, সেমিনার এবং বিশেষ প্রশিক্ষণ সেশন পরিচালিত হয়, যাতে শিক্ষার্থীরা তাদের দক্ষতা আরো উন্নত করতে পারে।তাছাড়া, এখানে অভিজ্ঞ প্রশিক্ষকদের তত্ত্বাবধানে ছোটদের জন্য বিশেষ ক্লাস, বয়স্কদের জন্য ফিটনেস ক্লাস এবং পারিবারিক সদস্যদের জন্য গ্রুপ ক্লাসও অনুষ্ঠিত হয়।

কেন এই স্কুল সেরা?

  • অভিজ্ঞ প্রশিক্ষক দল: প্রধান প্রশিক্ষক সিফু আবদুল্লাহ আল মনসুরসহ অন্যান্য প্রশিক্ষকগণ চীনা মার্শাল আর্টের বিভিন্ন শাখায় বিশেষজ্ঞ।
  • আন্তর্জাতিক মানের প্রশিক্ষণ: স্কুলটি আন্তর্জাতিক উশু ফেডারেশন এবং অন্যান্য আন্তর্জাতিক মার্শাল আর্ট সংস্থার নির্দেশিত নিয়ম অনুযায়ী প্রশিক্ষণ প্রদান করে।
  • প্রতিযোগিতার সুযোগ: শিক্ষার্থীরা নিয়মিতভাবে বিভিন্ন প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশগ্রহণ করতে পারে, যা তাদের দক্ষতা এবং আত্মবিশ্বাস বৃদ্ধিতে সহায়ক।
  • নারীদের জন্য বিশেষ আত্মরক্ষা কোর্স: নারীদের সুরক্ষা ও নিরাপত্তার কথা মাথায় রেখে বিশেষ প্রশিক্ষণ প্রদান করা হয়, যা বাস্তব জীবনের চ্যালেঞ্জ মোকাবিলায় সহায়ক।

“চাইনিজ কুংফু ও উশু স্কুল” ঢাকায় আত্মরক্ষা, কুংফু, এবং উশু শিখতে আগ্রহী সকলের জন্য একটি আদর্শ স্থান।

Kung Fu, Martial Arts, Self-Defense, Karate, Wushu, Krav Mega
Kung Fu, Martial Arts, Self-defense

Ismail BhuiyanIsmail Bhuiyan
09:07 17 Nov 22
One of the best Kung Fu School. they are committed how to build up yourself for self-defence. best of luck.
09:56 21 Mar 21
This Academy is the best one martial art training institute in Bangladesh. Teachers are internationaly recognise and very professional in training. Quality of training is unique. We wish all the best for this academy.
Ruhul HasanRuhul Hasan
09:46 31 Jan 21
I want to say it is one of the best Best Martial Arts School in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Their training method is unique. It is the best institute for street fight and front combat system.
Abdul JabbarAbdul Jabbar
12:54 27 Jan 21
One of the best martial arts school in Dhaka. Very cordial the chief instructor Abdullah Al Monsur, Executive Member, Bangladesh Wushu Federation. I will all the best of the institute.
Ramim Ashfaq RAFIRamim Ashfaq RAFI
10:21 01 Dec 20
Most prominent Kung Fu school in Bangladesh. Masters are internationally recognize with great skill. The institute is well known for real self-defense training & it's extraordinary combat system. I wish all the best for this institute and Sifu Abdullah Al Monsur.

Learn World Class Chinese Martial Arts Kung Fu & Wushu for Fit, Safe and Healthy Life. And also for Self-defense !!

Eagle Claw Kung Fu

Eagle Claw Kung Fu is one of the oldest traditional style in kung fu. Famous for the “Locking Hands”. It is also known for its flips, splits and jumping kicks. It is one of the most visually exciting and physically challenging systems of traditional martial arts.
Eagle Claw Kung Fu
Self-defense in Dhaka
Wing Chun Training Dhaka
Wing Chun Kung Fu Master Bangladesh

Learn Wing Chun Kung Fu, The Best Kung Fu Style for Self-defense !!

Wing Chun is a traditional Chinese martial art and form of self-defense that originated in the southern region of China. It is known for its practical and efficient techniques, particularly in close-quarters combat. Wing Chun places a strong emphasis on structure, balance, and sensitivity to one’s opponent.
We are thrilled to have you join our community of martial arts enthusiasts and embark on a journey of self-discovery, discipline, and empowerment through the ancient art of Wing Chun. Our center is dedicated to providing you with a holistic and authentic Wing Chun experience that combines tradition, skill development, and a supportive, inclusive environment.
We are thrilled to have you join our community of martial arts enthusiasts and embark on a journey of self-discovery, discipline, and empowerment through the ancient art of Wing Chun. Our center is dedicated to providing you with a holistic and authentic Wing Chun experience that combines tradition, skill development, and a supportive, inclusive environment.
At our training center, you will have the opportunity to:
  1. Learn from Experienced Instructors: Our team of dedicated and certified Wing Chun instructors brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to guide you on your martial arts journey. They are committed to helping you develop your skills and reach your full potential.
  2. Cultivate Self-Defense Skills: Wing Chun is a highly effective martial art known for its practical self-defense techniques. You’ll gain confidence in your ability to protect yourself and your loved ones in real-life situations.
  3. Improve Physical and Mental Fitness: Wing Chun training enhances your physical fitness, agility, and coordination. It also promotes mental clarity, focus, and discipline, which can positively impact all aspects of your life.
  4. Build a Supportive Community: Our training center is more than just a place to learn martial arts; it’s a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for Wing Chun. You’ll make new friends, receive support, and grow together on your martial arts journey.
Whether you’re a beginner taking your first steps in Wing Chun or an experienced practitioner looking to refine your skills, our training center welcomes individuals of all levels and backgrounds. We believe that everyone can benefit from the timeless wisdom and practicality of Wing Chun.
We invite you to visit our center, meet our instructors, and experience the unique blend of tradition and innovation that defines our Wing Chun training. Join us in embracing the philosophy of Wing Chun, where inner strength and harmony are as important as physical technique.
Thank you for choosing the Wing Chun Training Center in Bangladesh as your martial arts home. Together, we’ll strive for excellence, personal growth, and a deeper understanding of this incredible martial art.
Get ready to discover your inner warrior, develop lifelong skills, and embark on an exciting journey of self-improvement. Welcome to the Wing Chun family!
Shifu Abdullah Al Monsur
Founder and Chief Instructor
Wing Chun Training Center in Bangladesh
  • Martial Arts Academy of Gulshan, Dhaka
  • Bangladesh Wing Chun Academy
  • Dhaka Kung Fu & Wushu Academy
  • Dhanmondi Kung Fu & Wushu Institute
  • Banani Self-Defense Institute
  • Dhaka Wing Chun Training Center
  • Uttara Kung Fu & Wushu School
  • Aftabnagar Self-Defense Academy
  • Dhanmondi Self-Defense Academy
  • Gulshan Self-Defense Academy
  • Bashundhara Self-Defense Academy
  • Mohakhali Kung Fu Club & Self-Defense Center
  • Uttara Self-Defense Academy
  • Adabor Self-Defense Academy
  • Dhaka Self-Defense Academy
  • Sylhet Kung Fu & Wushu School
  • Demra Martial Arts School
  • Narshingdi Self-Defense Academy
Kung Fu

What is Martial Arts?

In brief martial arts refer to any kinds of physical and mental activities that relates different systematic ways of self-defense. It also refers various techniques and methods of training of fighting. There are two side in Martial Art, one is physical development, another is phycological or spiritual development.

Self Defense

What is Kung Fu?

Kung Fu is a Chinese term that refers all kinds of traditional Chinese Martial Arts. Kung Fu is the natural ways of Martial Arts that converts energy to force. Kung Fu is the natural ways of Martial Arts that converts energy to force. There are lots of types of Kung Fu such as: Shaolin Kung Fu, Wudang Kung Fu, Wing Chun, Tai chi etc.

What is Wushu?

Wushu is a multi-sport games which comes from the Chinese Martial Art Kung Fu. Wushu is also known as the modern version of Kung Fu. It is composed of two disciplines: One is Sanda, another is Taolu. Sanda is the full-contact fighting sport and Taolu is the exhibition of various forms.

Combat System

Why not other Martial Arts ?

There are lots of verities in Martial Arts System according to countries and place. Among all other Martial Arts; Karate, Taekwondo, Kick Boxing, Muay Thai, Krav Maga, Jiu-Jitsu, Boxing etc. are very popular in their own place.

Martial Arts

Self-defense Expert, Weapons Defense Expert.

History of Kung Fu !

No, far from it. The martial arts of Shaolin were introduced by Bodhidharma from India, where martial arts were already very highly developed, Saxkyamuni Buddha himself belonging to the Ksatriya warrior caste. And the Daoist martial arts, descended from even earlier Shamanic roots were already highly developed in China centuries before the introduction of martial arts to the Shaolin Temple.

Shaolin Kung Fu originated in the 5th century at the Shaolin Temple, a Zen shrine in China. Buddhism was the original founder of the Shaolin Temple in China. His trained martial arts have evolved into kung Fu over time.  The origin and development of wonderful martial arts and kung fu revolves around the Shaolin Temple. This is the most famous temple in China. Its greatest fame is for martial arts and kung fu.

Kung fu techniques and postures have been borrowed from various animal attack and defense postures. The idea of ​​how tigers, eagles, snakes, bears, dragons, etc. attack various animals in any way, move away from the reach of the enemy in a moment, how or by observing all these things with small lightning speed has been brought to Kung Fu.

Students who come to learn kung fu at the Shaolin Temple are called monks. A sect of Buddhism called ‘Zen’ started in this region more than one and a half thousand years ago. At the same time kung fu journey also started. In the long run, ‘Zen’ and ‘Kung Fu’ have gone two ways. But the monks of the Shaolin Temple have adopted the two lifestyles of ‘Zen’ and ‘Kung Fu’ in their lives. So the stability of religion and mental firmness has made them calm, gentle. Besides, kung fu technique is making them fast and strong.

Learn the Pristine form of Kung Fu, Wushu and other Self-Defense System !!
Learn from the Best Martial Academy in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Learn from the best teachers.

We bluster to be one of the top tier kung fu school in this part of world operated under close supervision of great martial artist Sifu Abdullah Al Monsur, International Kung Fu & Wushu Experts. While we give lesson to traditional Chinese Kung Fu, we provide some fitness training also like one or two km running, push up, chin up, back flip, side drop etc. However you can opt out these if you like to stay puritan.

Worry About Fitness ?

Our graded exercise techniques develop your body naturally. Our focus of development of your fitness is not within a few weeks. We works on gradual development which will be long lasting and effective not only with your outer body but also in your inner body and mind. You can only feel the growth after a certain period of time. So, be patience, do regular exercises, follow your master and enjoy. Soon, the Real Fitness will come In sha Allah.

Afraid of COVID-19, Learn Kung Fu for great immune system.

kung fu in dhaka
Best Martial Arts, Kung Fu, Wushu, Wing Chun, Muay Thai & Self-Defense Training Center in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Best Martial Arts, Kung Fu, Wushu, Wing Chun, Muay Thai & Self-Defense Training Center in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Best Martial Arts, Kung Fu, Wushu, Wing Chun, Muay Thai & Self-Defense Training Center in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Self defense Dhaka
wing chun Bangladesh

Core meaning of Different Combat System:

“Karate” means: “Empty Hand”
“Wushu” means: “Martial Arts”
“Wing Chun” means: “Beautiful Spring or Praise Spring”
“Taekwondo” means: “Tae:Foot, Kwon:Fist, Do:Way”
“Muay Thai” means: “Thai boxing or Thai Combat”
“Jiu-Jitsu” means: “Gentle Art”
“Krav Maga”
means: “Contact Combat”
“Bando” means: The Way of Disciplined Warrior

Martial Arts

Learn Kung Fu & Wushu from World Class Experts !!

Special Private Class available


Gulshan, Dhanmondi, Uttara, Banani, Basundhara, Mirpur, Mohammadpur, Savar, Jatrabari, Badda, Baridhara, Elephant Road, Rampura, Khilgaon, Malibag, Motijheel, Farmgate, Keraniganj, Tejgaon, Tongi, Ramna, Lalbag, Mogbazar, Purbachal,
Basabo, Banglamotor, Demra, Paltan, Mohakhali, Sutrapur, Khilkhet, Cantonment, Wari, Bangshal, Kamrangirchar, Hazaribagh, New Market, Chaukbazar, Kafrul, Dhamrai, Kotwali, Nawabganj, Dohar, Aftabnagar and whole Dhaka city.

Higher Degree from Abroad Available


China, Nepal, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Canada, United States & United Kingdom
martial arts

Why do Kung Fu?

Kung Fu is the only natural art in all martial arts, which helps you get fitter, stronger and gain more confidence in your body and mind. It improves your physical condition gradually and naturally. You may not notice the improvement of your physics but you will understand the result after a certain period of time.

martial arts

Is Kung Fu the best type of Martial Arts?

The real truth is that there is no best type of Martial Arts. Every martial art styles are best in their own position. Karate, Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Kick-boxing or all other Self-defense styles have their own unique strengths and weaknesses. So, you should learn the style that suits what you are looking to do.


Learn Kung Fu & Wushu, the best Martial Arts !

If you learn Kung Fu & Wushu, you will cover all martial arts disciplines include:

Striking (Boxing, Karate, Muay Thai, Kenpo, and more)
Grappling (Judo, Aikido, Sumo, Wrestling, and more)
Weaponry (Kendo, Fencing, Kyujustu, Iaido, and more)
Hybrids/Mixed Martial Arts (Ninjustu, Bando, Hapkido, and more)

Karate in Bangladesh !

Karate is most familiar words in Bangladesh among other Self-defense systems. Bangladesh Karate Federation is the central organization of Karate sports in Bangladesh. Though Karate is a Japanese Sports, it is now very popular in the whole world. In Bangladesh there are lots of Karate Schools or Karate Clubs which are really good in their own field. If you are interested in Karate you may join in any of the best karate academy near your location.

martial arts
Martial Arts Training at Dhanmondi 32
martial arts

Characteristics of Kung Fu

“Kung Fu and Wushu” is a branch of martial arts where the use of a person’s hands, feet, body as well as the maximum use of intellect and thinking is ensured. As a result, a person can play an equally effective role in increasing his physical capacity as well as psychological development through daily kung fu training.

Training Kung Fu makes a person physically fit, as well as mindful. Kung Fu and wushu training as a self-defense strategy as well as boosting immunity are unrivaled. Kung Fu is one of the best martial arts in the world. Because Kung fu alone is the key to all martial arts techniques. No other self-defense technique with such diversity as kung fu and wushu has yet been discovered in this world. So we can say without any hesitation that kung fu is the mother of all martial arts.

For the diversity of various styles and forms, Kung Fu can be called the mother of all Martial Arts. It is not only the art of fighting but an art of self development. It is an art that can take a person’s physical abilities to the highest level.

Kung Fu Wushu

Tactical Krav Maga & Real Self-Defense System !

In our full black belt course, we include Tactical Krav Maga & Real Self-Defense System which ensure you to defend in street fight situation. You will learn different unarmed combat systems which is very popular and very effective self-defense system.

Practical martial arts training to the student.

Short Fight Technique

Kung Fu Jogging Exercises

Kung Fu Power Kick

Online Courses Available

Hotline: 01674842132

Special Private Course Available

Dhanmondi, Uttara, Gulshan, Mirpur, Banasree, Aftabnagar,  Narayanganj, Narsingdi

Wing Chun Dhaka
Kung Fu Master Abdullah Al Monsur

Sifu Abdullah Al Monsur

(Traditional Kung Fu Master)

Executive Member, Bangladesh Wushu Federation
General Secretary, Narshingdi District Wushu Association
South Asian Wushu Judge, South Asian Wushu Federation
Sports Secretary, Bangladesh Kung Fu Association
Founder & Chief Instructor, Chinese Wushu & Kung Fu School

Kung Fu, Martial Arts, Self-defense, Wushu, Combat, Wing Chun
Kung Fu, Martial Arts, Self-defense
Kung Fu, Martial Arts, Self-Defense, Karate, Wushu, Krav Mega
Welcome to the Chinese Kung Fu & Wushu School in Dhaka, Bangladesh!
Branches: Dhanmondi, Gulshan, Baridhara, Uttara, Aftabnagar, Banasree, Demra, Narshingdi
We are delighted to extend our warmest greetings to all martial arts enthusiasts and aspiring practitioners seeking an authentic and transformative experience in the world of Chinese Kung Fu and Wushu. As the leading martial arts school in Bangladesh, we take immense pride in introducing you to the best Chinese martial arts training available in the country.
At our school, we embrace the rich heritage of Chinese martial arts, providing a nurturing and disciplined environment where students of all ages and skill levels can explore the profound traditions of Kung Fu and Wushu. Our team of highly skilled and experienced instructors is dedicated to fostering the growth and development of each student, ensuring that they not only master the physical techniques but also embrace the core principles of respect, discipline, and mental fortitude.
With a comprehensive curriculum that encompasses both traditional and contemporary forms, we offer a well-rounded training experience that caters to various interests and goals. Whether you aim to enhance your physical fitness, cultivate self-defense skills, or immerse yourself in the profound philosophies of Chinese martial arts, our school is the ideal place for you.
Beyond the physical aspects, our school serves as a hub for cultural exchange, promoting an understanding of Chinese traditions and values. Through engaging workshops, seminars, and demonstrations, students gain a deeper appreciation for the essence of Kung Fu and Wushu.
We invite you to join our vibrant community, where passion and dedication converge to create a harmonious journey of self-discovery and personal growth. No matter your age or background, at the Chinese Kung Fu & Wushu School, you will find a supportive and encouraging atmosphere that empowers you to unleash your full potential.
Thank you for choosing our school as your gateway to the fascinating world of Chinese martial arts. We look forward to embarking on this extraordinary quest together. Let the journey begin!
Best Martial Arts, Kung Fu, Wushu, Wing Chun, Muay Thai & Self-Defense Training Center in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Kung Fu is a Chinese martial art that has its roots in ancient China and has evolved over thousands of years. It is not only a form of physical exercise, but also a philosophical and spiritual practice. Kung Fu encompasses a wide range of techniques and styles, including strikes, kicks, grappling, and weapons training. It is renowned for its fluid movements and powerful strikes, and is considered a cultural treasure in China. In recent times, Kung Fu has become popular around the world as a means of improving physical fitness, self-defense and personal development.

Ismail BhuiyanIsmail Bhuiyan
09:07 17 Nov 22
One of the best Kung Fu School. they are committed how to build up yourself for self-defence. best of luck.
09:56 21 Mar 21
This Academy is the best one martial art training institute in Bangladesh. Teachers are internationaly recognise and very professional in training. Quality of training is unique. We wish all the best for this academy.
Ruhul HasanRuhul Hasan
09:46 31 Jan 21
I want to say it is one of the best Best Martial Arts School in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Their training method is unique. It is the best institute for street fight and front combat system.
Abdul JabbarAbdul Jabbar
12:54 27 Jan 21
One of the best martial arts school in Dhaka. Very cordial the chief instructor Abdullah Al Monsur, Executive Member, Bangladesh Wushu Federation. I will all the best of the institute.
Ramim Ashfaq RAFIRamim Ashfaq RAFI
10:21 01 Dec 20
Most prominent Kung Fu school in Bangladesh. Masters are internationally recognize with great skill. The institute is well known for real self-defense training & it's extraordinary combat system. I wish all the best for this institute and Sifu Abdullah Al Monsur.

Learn World Class Chinese Martial Arts Kung Fu & Wushu for Fit, Safe and Healthy Life. And also for Self-defense !!

Eagle Claw Kung Fu

Eagle Claw Kung Fu is one of the oldest traditional style in kung fu. Famous for the “Locking Hands”. It is also known for its flips, splits and jumping kicks. It is one of the most visually exciting and physically challenging systems of traditional martial arts.
Eagle Claw Kung Fu
Self-defense in Dhaka

Learn Wing Chun Kung Fu, The Best Kung Fu Style for Self-defense !!

Wing Chun is a traditional Chinese martial art and form of self-defense that originated in the southern region of China. It is known for its practical and efficient techniques, particularly in close-quarters combat. Wing Chun places a strong emphasis on structure, balance, and sensitivity to one’s opponent.
We are thrilled to have you join our community of martial arts enthusiasts and embark on a journey of self-discovery, discipline, and empowerment through the ancient art of Wing Chun. Our center is dedicated to providing you with a holistic and authentic Wing Chun experience that combines tradition, skill development, and a supportive, inclusive environment.
We are thrilled to have you join our community of martial arts enthusiasts and embark on a journey of self-discovery, discipline, and empowerment through the ancient art of Wing Chun. Our center is dedicated to providing you with a holistic and authentic Wing Chun experience that combines tradition, skill development, and a supportive, inclusive environment.
At our training center, you will have the opportunity to:
  1. Learn from Experienced Instructors: Our team of dedicated and certified Wing Chun instructors brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to guide you on your martial arts journey. They are committed to helping you develop your skills and reach your full potential.
  2. Cultivate Self-Defense Skills: Wing Chun is a highly effective martial art known for its practical self-defense techniques. You’ll gain confidence in your ability to protect yourself and your loved ones in real-life situations.
  3. Improve Physical and Mental Fitness: Wing Chun training enhances your physical fitness, agility, and coordination. It also promotes mental clarity, focus, and discipline, which can positively impact all aspects of your life.
  4. Build a Supportive Community: Our training center is more than just a place to learn martial arts; it’s a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for Wing Chun. You’ll make new friends, receive support, and grow together on your martial arts journey.
Whether you’re a beginner taking your first steps in Wing Chun or an experienced practitioner looking to refine your skills, our training center welcomes individuals of all levels and backgrounds. We believe that everyone can benefit from the timeless wisdom and practicality of Wing Chun.
We invite you to visit our center, meet our instructors, and experience the unique blend of tradition and innovation that defines our Wing Chun training. Join us in embracing the philosophy of Wing Chun, where inner strength and harmony are as important as physical technique.
Thank you for choosing the Wing Chun Training Center in Bangladesh as your martial arts home. Together, we’ll strive for excellence, personal growth, and a deeper understanding of this incredible martial art.
Get ready to discover your inner warrior, develop lifelong skills, and embark on an exciting journey of self-improvement. Welcome to the Wing Chun family!
Shifu Abdullah Al Monsur
Founder and Chief Instructor
Wing Chun Training Center in Bangladesh
  • Martial Arts Academy of Gulshan, Dhaka
  • Bangladesh Wing Chun Academy
  • Dhaka Kung Fu & Wushu Academy
  • Dhanmondi Kung Fu & Wushu Institute
  • Banani Self-Defense Institute
  • Dhaka Wing Chun Training Center
  • Uttara Kung Fu & Wushu School
  • Aftabnagar Self-Defense Academy
  • Dhanmondi Self-Defense Academy
  • Gulshan Self-Defense Academy
  • Bashundhara Self-Defense Academy
  • Mohakhali Kung Fu Club & Self-Defense Center
  • Uttara Self-Defense Academy
  • Adabor Self-Defense Academy
  • Dhaka Self-Defense Academy
  • Sylhet Kung Fu & Wushu School
  • Demra Martial Arts School
  • Narshingdi Self-Defense Academy

Unlocking the Essence of Wing Chun Kung Fu: Training in Bangladesh with the Chinese Kung Fu & Wushu School

Introduction: In the vibrant landscape of martial arts, Wing Chun Kung Fu stands out as a system renowned for its efficiency, practicality, and emphasis on close-range combat. Originating from the southern regions of China, Wing Chun has garnered global recognition for its unique principles and techniques. In Bangladesh, enthusiasts of this ancient art can delve into its depths through dedicated training offered by the esteemed Chinese Kung Fu & Wushu School.

The Legacy of Wing Chun: Wing Chun Kung Fu traces its roots back to the turbulent era of the Qing dynasty. Legend has it that the style was created by a Buddhist nun named Ng Mui, who synthesized her knowledge of martial arts into a system suited for smaller individuals to defend themselves against larger adversaries. The art was further refined by her disciple, Yim Wing Chun, hence the name. Through the generations, Wing Chun evolved into a formidable combat system, earning accolades for its directness, economy of movement, and emphasis on simultaneous defense and offense.

Training at Chinese Kung Fu & Wushu School: Located in the heart of Bangladesh, the Chinese Kung Fu & Wushu School stands as a beacon for martial arts enthusiasts seeking authentic training in Wing Chun Kung Fu. Led by seasoned instructors with deep-rooted expertise, the school offers a structured curriculum designed to cater to practitioners of all levels, from novices to advanced students.

  1. Foundational Principles: The training commences with an in-depth exploration of Wing Chun’s fundamental principles, including centerline theory, relaxation in motion, and sensitivity training. Students learn to cultivate a strong foundation upon which advanced techniques are built.
  2. Technical Proficiency: Through rigorous drills and exercises, practitioners refine their techniques, mastering the intricate hand formations (such as the “Chum Kiu” and “Biu Jee”) and footwork patterns unique to Wing Chun. Special emphasis is placed on developing speed, precision, and fluidity in execution.
  3. Application and Sparring: As students progress, they engage in controlled sparring sessions to apply their skills in real-time scenarios. This practical aspect of training fosters adaptability, timing, and strategic thinking, essential for effective self-defense.
  4. Internal Development: Beyond physical prowess, Wing Chun training at the Chinese Kung Fu & Wushu School encompasses the cultivation of internal strength and mental discipline. Through practices like Qigong and mindfulness meditation, students harness their Qi (vital energy) and sharpen their focus, enhancing their overall well-being.
  5. Community and Tradition: The school fosters a supportive community where camaraderie and mutual respect flourish. Students immerse themselves in the rich heritage of Wing Chun, gaining insights into its cultural significance and philosophical underpinnings.

Conclusion: Embarking on the journey of Wing Chun Kung Fu at the Chinese Kung Fu & Wushu School in Bangladesh is not merely about learning self-defense techniques; it is a profound exploration of one’s physical, mental, and spiritual capabilities. Guided by dedicated instructors and surrounded by like-minded peers, practitioners of Wing Chun find themselves on a path of continual growth, striving to embody the timeless wisdom encapsulated in this revered martial art.

Kung Fu

What is Martial Arts?

In brief martial arts refer to any kinds of physical and mental activities that relates different systematic ways of self-defense. It also refers various techniques and methods of training of fighting. There are two side in Martial Art, one is physical development, another is phycological or spiritual development.

Self Defense

What is Kung Fu?

Kung Fu is a Chinese term that refers all kinds of traditional Chinese Martial Arts. Kung Fu is the natural ways of Martial Arts that converts energy to force. Kung Fu is the natural ways of Martial Arts that converts energy to force. There are lots of types of Kung Fu such as: Shaolin Kung Fu, Wudang Kung Fu, Wing Chun, Tai chi etc.

What is Wushu?

Wushu is a multi-sport games which comes from the Chinese Martial Art Kung Fu. Wushu is also known as the modern version of Kung Fu. It is composed of two disciplines: One is Sanda, another is Taolu. Sanda is the full-contact fighting sport and Taolu is the exhibition of various forms.

Combat System

Why not other Martial Arts ?

There are lots of verities in Martial Arts System according to countries and place. Among all other Martial Arts; Karate, Taekwondo, Kick Boxing, Muay Thai, Krav Maga, Jiu-Jitsu, Boxing etc. are very popular in their own place.

Martial Arts

Self-defense Expert, Weapons Defense Expert.

History of Kung Fu !

No, far from it. The martial arts of Shaolin were introduced by Bodhidharma from India, where martial arts were already very highly developed, Saxkyamuni Buddha himself belonging to the Ksatriya warrior caste. And the Daoist martial arts, descended from even earlier Shamanic roots were already highly developed in China centuries before the introduction of martial arts to the Shaolin Temple.

Shaolin Kung Fu originated in the 5th century at the Shaolin Temple, a Zen shrine in China. Buddhism was the original founder of the Shaolin Temple in China. His trained martial arts have evolved into kung Fu over time.  The origin and development of wonderful martial arts and kung fu revolves around the Shaolin Temple. This is the most famous temple in China. Its greatest fame is for martial arts and kung fu.

Kung fu techniques and postures have been borrowed from various animal attack and defense postures. The idea of ​​how tigers, eagles, snakes, bears, dragons, etc. attack various animals in any way, move away from the reach of the enemy in a moment, how or by observing all these things with small lightning speed has been brought to Kung Fu.

Students who come to learn kung fu at the Shaolin Temple are called monks. A sect of Buddhism called ‘Zen’ started in this region more than one and a half thousand years ago. At the same time kung fu journey also started. In the long run, ‘Zen’ and ‘Kung Fu’ have gone two ways. But the monks of the Shaolin Temple have adopted the two lifestyles of ‘Zen’ and ‘Kung Fu’ in their lives. So the stability of religion and mental firmness has made them calm, gentle. Besides, kung fu technique is making them fast and strong.

Learn the Pristine form of Kung Fu, Wushu and other Self-Defense System !!
Learn from the Best Martial Academy in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Learn from the best teachers.

We bluster to be one of the top tier kung fu school in this part of world operated under close supervision of great martial artist Sifu Abdullah Al Monsur, International Kung Fu & Wushu Experts. While we give lesson to traditional Chinese Kung Fu, we provide some fitness training also like one or two km running, push up, chin up, back flip, side drop etc. However you can opt out these if you like to stay puritan.

Worry About Fitness ?

Our graded exercise techniques develop your body naturally. Our focus of development of your fitness is not within a few weeks. We works on gradual development which will be long lasting and effective not only with your outer body but also in your inner body and mind. You can only feel the growth after a certain period of time. So, be patience, do regular exercises, follow your master and enjoy. Soon, the Real Fitness will come In sha Allah.

Afraid of COVID-19, Learn Kung Fu for great immune system.

kung fu in dhaka
Best Martial Arts, Kung Fu, Wushu, Wing Chun, Muay Thai & Self-Defense Training Center in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Best Martial Arts, Kung Fu, Wushu, Wing Chun, Muay Thai & Self-Defense Training Center in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Best Martial Arts, Kung Fu, Wushu, Wing Chun, Muay Thai & Self-Defense Training Center in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Core meaning of Different Combat System:

“Karate” means: “Empty Hand”
“Wushu” means: “Martial Arts”
“Wing Chun” means: “Beautiful Spring or Praise Spring”
“Taekwondo” means: “Tae:Foot, Kwon:Fist, Do:Way”
“Muay Thai” means: “Thai boxing or Thai Combat”
“Jiu-Jitsu” means: “Gentle Art”
“Krav Maga”
means: “Contact Combat”
“Bando” means: The Way of Disciplined Warrior

Martial Arts

Learn Kung Fu & Wushu from World Class Experts !!

Special Private Class available


Gulshan, Dhanmondi, Uttara, Banani, Basundhara, Mirpur, Mohammadpur, Savar, Jatrabari, Badda, Baridhara, Elephant Road, Rampura, Khilgaon, Malibag, Motijheel, Farmgate, Keraniganj, Tejgaon, Tongi, Ramna, Lalbag, Mogbazar, Purbachal,
Basabo, Banglamotor, Demra, Paltan, Mohakhali, Sutrapur, Khilkhet, Cantonment, Wari, Bangshal, Kamrangirchar, Hazaribagh, New Market, Chaukbazar, Kafrul, Dhamrai, Kotwali, Nawabganj, Dohar, Aftabnagar and whole Dhaka city.

Higher Degree from Abroad Available


China, Nepal, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Canada, United States & United Kingdom
martial arts

Why do Kung Fu?

Kung Fu is the only natural art in all martial arts, which helps you get fitter, stronger and gain more confidence in your body and mind. It improves your physical condition gradually and naturally. You may not notice the improvement of your physics but you will understand the result after a certain period of time.

martial arts

Is Kung Fu the best type of Martial Arts?

The real truth is that there is no best type of Martial Arts. Every martial art styles are best in their own position. Karate, Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Kick-boxing or all other Self-defense styles have their own unique strengths and weaknesses. So, you should learn the style that suits what you are looking to do.


Learn Kung Fu & Wushu, the best Martial Arts !

If you learn Kung Fu & Wushu, you will cover all martial arts disciplines include:

Striking (Boxing, Karate, Muay Thai, Kenpo, and more)
Grappling (Judo, Aikido, Sumo, Wrestling, and more)
Weaponry (Kendo, Fencing, Kyujustu, Iaido, and more)
Hybrids/Mixed Martial Arts (Ninjustu, Bando, Hapkido, and more)

Karate in Bangladesh !

Karate is most familiar words in Bangladesh among other Self-defense systems. Bangladesh Karate Federation is the central organization of Karate sports in Bangladesh. Though Karate is a Japanese Sports, it is now very popular in the whole world. In Bangladesh there are lots of Karate Schools or Karate Clubs which are really good in their own field. If you are interested in Karate you may join in any of the best karate academy near your location.

martial arts
Martial Arts Training at Dhanmondi 32
martial arts

Characteristics of Kung Fu

“Kung Fu and Wushu” is a branch of martial arts where the use of a person’s hands, feet, body as well as the maximum use of intellect and thinking is ensured. As a result, a person can play an equally effective role in increasing his physical capacity as well as psychological development through daily kung fu training.

Training Kung Fu makes a person physically fit, as well as mindful. Kung Fu and wushu training as a self-defense strategy as well as boosting immunity are unrivaled. Kung Fu is one of the best martial arts in the world. Because Kung fu alone is the key to all martial arts techniques. No other self-defense technique with such diversity as kung fu and wushu has yet been discovered in this world. So we can say without any hesitation that kung fu is the mother of all martial arts.

For the diversity of various styles and forms, Kung Fu can be called the mother of all Martial Arts. It is not only the art of fighting but an art of self development. It is an art that can take a person’s physical abilities to the highest level.

Kung Fu Wushu

Tactical Krav Maga & Real Self-Defense System !

In our full black belt course, we include Tactical Krav Maga & Real Self-Defense System which ensure you to defend in street fight situation. You will learn different unarmed combat systems which is very popular and very effective self-defense system.

Practical martial arts training to the student.

Short Fight Technique

Kung Fu Jogging Exercises

Kung Fu Power Kick

Martial Arts in Bangladesh


Wing Chun Kung Fu is, nowadays, the most popular Kung Fu Style in all over the world. It is becoming more popular after releasing of the movies IP Man 1, IP Man 2, IP Man 3, IP Man 4; acting by Donnie Yen as IP Man.

Infact, Wing Chun style was famous by Master IP Man who was the first real master of Bruce Lee. Wing Chun is the core style of Bruce Lee. He starts a new style which is known as Jeet Kune Do is actually the gist of Wing Chun style. Bruce Lee follows the root level rules and concept of Wing Chun when he developed his own style Jeet Kune Do.

Courses for International Students:

  • Self-Defense Training for United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Philippines, Panama, India, Pakistan, China, Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,  Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Australia and all African Countries.
  • Intensive Kung Fu & Wushu training for Asian, American, European and Other International Students.
  • Digital Online Kung Fu Classes for the Students of United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and other European countries in this Covid-19 crisis period.
Kung Fu Master

Sifu Abdullah Al Monsur

Executive Member
Bangladesh Wushu Federation
General Secretary
Narsingdi District Wushu Association
South Asian Wushu Judge (Sanda)
South Asian Wushu Federation
Founder & Chief Instructor
Chinese Kung Fu & Wushu School


My warmest greetings to all Martial Artists, Kung Fu & Wushu lovers.

I wish all Martial Artist the best of luck and pray to Allah for their success.

Sifu Abdullah Al Monsur

Founder & Chief Instructor
Chinese Kung Fu & Wushu School
Bangladesh Wushu Federation
In the current social context, women’s martial arts education has become vital. Today women are not safe anywhere. Women at every level of society are being subjected to humiliation and suffering. The only way to overcome this is to empower women. Self-defense techniques and martial arts training help women to be confident in their personal lives as well. So every parent should encourage their daughter to learn martial arts from an early age.
  • sport-list-dot2
    Practical Self-Defense
  • sport-list-dot2
    Increase Awareness.
  • sport-list-dot2
    Effective Escape Techniques
  • sport-list-dot2
    Practical Unlocking System
  • sport-list-dot2
    Crime Prevention
  • sport-list-dot2
    Using Body as Weapon
Martial Arts Training at Dhanmondi 32
Childhood is the best time for self-defense training. Since a child’s body is flexible at this age, he can easily master any self-defense technique. Moreover, as a result of martial arts training at this age, self-confidence is built in him as well as a sense of discipline. With regular rigorous training his immunity increases, his intelligence is sharpened, he becomes different from everyone else.


Using different easy method to increase your child power and strength.


Our special cardio exercises will be very helpful for your kids overall development.


The course plan is child friendly as your kids can easily learn and practice it.


Motivating to eat healthy food according to our food chart, so they can grow healthy.

Martial Arts Training Center in Dhaka
Our Course plan is so unique that a person of 60 years old can also participate in our classes. Our free hand physical exercises are really suitable for everyone.
You can join our online training program also. Our IT Partner Softx IT will arrange the total setup and train you how to do that.
Self Defense Expert
Best Kung Fu Master
Master Abdullah Al Monsur is an International Self Defense Expert, who has a depth knowledge in different Combat System. With his long experience, he has developed an unique and very effective training method of self-defense.



Chinese Kung Fu & Wushu School offers National & International Wushu Judges Training Program according to the rules of International Wushu Federation, Asian Wushu Federation, South Asian Wushu Federation and Bangladesh Wushu Federation.

Dhaka Martial Arts, Bangladesh Self-Defense Classes, Dhaka Karate School, Traditional Martial Arts in Dhaka, MMA Training Dhaka, Kickboxing Classes Dhaka, Women’s Self-Defense Dhaka, Kids Martial Arts Dhaka, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Dhaka, Taekwondo Dojang Dhaka, Mixed Martial Arts Gym Dhaka,  Kung Fu Classes Dhaka, Capoeira Dhaka, Martial Arts Training Center Dhaka, Boxing Gym Dhaka, Muay Thai Kickboxing Dhaka, Tai Chi Classes Dhaka, Self-Defense Workshops Dhaka, Fitness and Martial Arts Dhaka, Shaolin Kung Fu Dhaka, Judo Dojo Dhaka, Karate Kids Classes Dhaka, Krav Maga Dhaka, Wing Chun Dhaka, Weapons Training Dhaka, Gulshan Martial Arts Classes, Self-Defense Training in Gulshan, Gulshan Karate School, Taekwondo Classes in Gulshan, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Gulshan, Mixed Martial Arts Gulshan, Krav Maga Training Gulshan, Kickboxing in Gulshan, Women’s Self-Defense Gulshan, Kids Martial Arts Gulshan, Uttara Martial Arts School, Self-Defense Classes in Uttara, Uttara Karate Dojo, Taekwondo Training in Uttara, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Uttara, Mixed Martial Arts Uttara, Krav Maga Uttara, Kickboxing in Uttara, Women’s Self-Defense Uttara, Kids Martial Arts Uttara, Dhanmondi Martial Arts Classes, Self-Defense Training in Dhanmondi, Dhanmondi Karate School, Taekwondo Classes in Dhanmondi, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Dhanmondi, Mixed Martial Arts Dhanmondi, , Krav Maga Training Dhanmondi, Kickboxing in Dhanmondi, Women’s Self-Defense Dhanmondi, Kids Martial Arts Dhanmondi, Demra Martial Arts School, Self-Defense Classes in Demra, Demra Karate Dojo, Taekwondo Training in Demra, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Demra, Mixed Martial Arts Demra, Krav Maga Demra, Kickboxing in Demra, Women’s Self-Defense Demra, Kids Martial Arts Demra, Baridhara Martial Arts Classes, Self-Defense Training in Baridhara, Baridhara Karate School, Taekwondo Classes in Baridhara, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Baridhara, Mixed Martial Arts Baridhara, Krav Maga Baridhara, Kickboxing in Baridhara, Women’s Self-Defense Baridhara, Kids Martial Arts Baridhara